Terms & Conditions
All information received by us from your use of AMA will be used by AMA in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please read this for details of how we may process your personal data.
On registration, you must provide AMA with accurate, complete registration information and it is your responsibility to update and maintain changes to that information on the applicable AMA registration or subscription pages. AMA is entitled to rely on any information you provide to us.
Each registration is for a single user only. On registration, you will choose a user name and password (“ID”). The email address that you provide on registration must correspond to a named email account and not a generic or shared email account. You are not allowed to share your ID or give access to AMA Content through your ID to anyone else. AMA does not allow multiple users on a network or within an organization to use the same ID. AMA may cancel or suspend
your access to AMA if you share your ID without further obligation to you. You may not create additional registration or subscription accounts for the benefit of others or with the aim of avoiding our use of IDs to control access to and use of AMA.
You are responsible for all use of AMA made by you or anyone else using your ID and for preventing unauthorised use of your ID. If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, the AMA or unauthorised use of your ID or any payment information, you must notify AMA immediately by e-mailing us. We recommend that you do not select an obvious user password (such as your name) and that you change it regularly.
If you provide AMA with an email address that will result in any messages AMA may send you being sent to you via a network or device operated or owned by a third party (e.g. your employer or colleague) then you promise that you are entitled to receive those messages. You also agree that AMA may stop sending messages to you without notifying you.
If you are a registered user of or subscriber to AMA then you may choose to use AMA’s “Remember me” log in feature that enables you to be logged in automatically to AMA whenever you visit AMA without having to manually log in each time. We recommend that you do not enable this feature on any computer that is or may be used by anyone other than you in order to prevent unauthorized access by third parties to both your subscription details and features of AMA personal to you.
These terms and condition can be replaced and it will be published on the website as it gets changes.